Christmas Party Tickets - STOP PRESS - Very Important!

19th Sep 2023
Thanks to a completely overwhelming positive response to the new Christmas party venue, we have sold more tickets, faster, than ever before and have now sold all the seats that we have planned for the ball room.
The ball room is smaller than the massive soulless hangar at Chesford Grange but it still accomodates the numbers we normally get at the party. This has come as quite a shock, last year we were phoning around at the last minute trying to sell spaces to bring the numbers up to a point where the event would work, both socially and financially. Jim and the team are working frantically behind the scenes with the hotel to accommodate those who have applied over the last few days. Their task has been complicated by some applying with the form but not paying, and some who have paid without completing the application form. The form is important for the team to check whether applicants are members.
We will be running a waiting list, so if your plans change please let the organisers know asap.
Watch this space, as we will communicate any news here first.
We very much hope that we will not disappoint anyone!
All the best, Jim, Lou Millie and the team.