1954 Tulip Rally
13th May 2020
I was just searching the internet to find something about my Frazer Nash. Unfortunately I was not successful finding something about my car, but Prof Google showed me something different of interest.
Sir Derrick Verner participated at the 1954 Tulip Rally. I could find a video about this event, unfortunately without any pictures of my car, but you can see in motion the ex Roy Salvadory Le Mans Rep. in the hands of then owner Walter Grant-Norton (VHX 839). The first time when you can see it in the video is at 19 min. Then again at 20min 36sec, at 24min 33 sec, at 28 min 47 sec, and so on.
If the video is not known by be club anyway this could be something for the Website. I fond it very amusing and worth seeing, although the quality is not like today.
Michael Boeck